Friday, March 25, 2011

Google Book settlement rejected.

Google Books Settlement Rejected -- #Information Week#comments Check out this article. I am actually happy that Google did not succeed. Post your comments after you read the article.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Japan near meltdown after earthquake on 3/10.

It is unbelievable how a few minutes of shaking can bring on so much devastation. Not just in Japan but around the world.  And now in a country that has seen the damage from nuclear weapons now faces a possible meltdown of a nuclear power plant.  I hope this does not get to the point of a meltdown as I am sure many others, but it will serve as a reminder that even when we have tons of backup process they can all be ruined in a moment. 

If you are in business for your self or responsible for a great deal of data keep in mind it does not take this type of damage to leave your systems devastated.  As, I said this is just a reminder of how fragile our existence can be.